Ana's Prayer

Beloved Ana,
I come before you tonight to beg your acceptance and forgiveness for my wretchedness and to ask you to accept me with the understanding that I want to be yours wholly and entirely,
My Ana, I need your strength when temptation comes my way, your love when my bones begin to protrude and my heart fails at the profound emptiness I feel.
Ana, I need your grace as I walk through this lonely life- forgive me when I falter and protect me from my own destructive desires when starving just isn't enough to ease the pain- all I really want is for you to love me as I love you each day. Watch over me Ana, when others try to tear you down or prosecute me for your name's sake. You alone are all I need and you alone fill me. I love you Ana and I give you my heart, my soul, my life.


  1. I love this prayer I've been using daily . Thank you .

  2. I don't say this prayer but I do pray to ana when I need to loose weight. The 1st time was in my 20's and I gained massive weight from my birth control pill. And then in my late 30s after the birth of my 4th child. I'm not a true anorexic but I'm use to being pin thin. I drink a lot of water, eat soup and ride my stationary bike until I'm thin again and then I eat normal. I've never been addicted to food or junk food like hamburgers. When I feel a hunger pain in my stomach I tell myself, "pray to ana" and it helps me to ignore it.

  3. I don't say this prayer but I do pray to ana when I need to loose weight. The 1st time was in my 20's and I gained massive weight from my birth control pill. And then in my late 30s after the birth of my 4th child. I'm not a true anorexic but I'm use to being pin thin. I drink a lot of water, eat soup and ride my stationary bike until I'm thin again and then I eat normal. I've never been addicted to food or junk food like hamburgers. When I feel a hunger pain in my stomach I tell myself, "pray to ana" and it helps me to ignore it.

  4. You are all satanic motherfuckers. I am coming to burn you all you fucking assholes.

  5. You all matter. Your bodies are enough. I'm happy you exist.
