Saturday, June 16, 2012


I did well again, yesterday. Less than 600 calories! My goal is less than 500 calories a day. Each day, I get closer. Today, I am slowly eating a 90 calorie granola bar that I broke into 4 pieces. I then broke 1/4 of the bar into many tiny pieces, and ate half the mini pieces when I started to feel fool. I'm also sipping peppermint tea- I never realized how good tea was until a few weeks ago. Before, I thought it had to have a ton of sugar to make it taste good (that's the southern girl in me). I was planning on the granola bar just being breakfast, but it may also be lunch at the rate, I'm eating it. Yay for filling my stomach with liquids and for slowly shrinking my stomach. Last night, I didn't sleep at all, but I had this really bad craving for a breakfast burrito. I turned up the pro-ana music and began to write down my Ana rules that I will follow and if I don't I wrote down a list of conseequences. I'm determined to be thin.

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