Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Staying Busy

It's been a busy few days. I got new glasses, which I'm excited about. Its nice to be able to see so clearly. I've been working on my application for Texas Medicaid the past 2 days- its a hard application to fill out. It ask so many questions; I've had to call my caseworker from back home to get some information, because I don't all of the answers to what its asking. And my mom's been helping me some.

Last night, my mom and I attended a church thing called, "Restoration". It was interesting. I had a hard time relating to anyone, seeing they were all 20-30 years older than me. But none-the-less, I listened to their testimonies and struggles and supportive words. I dunno if we'll go back. My mom is just trying to help; she wants to do everything she can to make sure I get healthy again and back on track. I feel a lot stronger. I've been eating pretty good. I've purged about 3 times in the last week and I've only cut once since being here.

Maybe I just needed a change in environment. I dunno, but something seems to be helping. I just hope I don't crash and burn again. I'm terrified I'm going to. And when I do, it'll be ugly and I'm afraid of hurting my mom. So I really need to make sure we have a safety plan. Maybe that's what I should be working on today. I don't even know where to start.


  1. Could you take the application in to your doctor or someone to help fill it out? Maybe give it your best shot, and ask someone who knows your medical history to help with the rest. That's what I do with those sorta forms when they get the better of me.

    Hope you're okay <3

    1. I got it filled out finally. It was online and confusing. But I think I did it right. I guess I'll find out soon...
