Saturday, July 16, 2016

400 Calories

Yesterday was okay, but I gave into my craving for cheetos, so I ate well over 400 calories. Today, I'm gonna do 400 again. I've already had a salad; the dressing was 130 calories. I'll just eat nothing else until dinner and try to eat something small for dinner. I don't think my parents have noticed anything off, yet. I'm sure they'll catch on pretty quickly. They're both very intelligent and my mom is very aware of changes in my routine.

I got my piercings last night, which was f***ing awesome! They're a little sore today, but I'm so excited about them! I remember when I was in hospital as a teenager, there was a girl who had a ton piercings. She had done them herself, as a way of self-harm. I can cut, but I dunno that I'd ever be able to pierce my cartilage by myself. I would need someone else to do it for me. I've thought about giving myself piercings, but i don't wanna mess it up or have it get infected.

On our way home from the piercing place, my mom talked to me about my parents next date night. Seeing I OD-ed last time, she feels like I might do it again and wants me to ask for a friend to come over to hang out with me. She wants some one to basically baby sit me. I understand why, but I don't wanna ask my friends, especially when I barely know them, to come over and baby sit me and my brothers, while my parents are out. That seems so awkward!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the piercings help. I've heard mixed reports about daiths and migraines.
    I'd really recommend staying away from DIY piercings though. Without the right tools (even things as simple as hollow needles that remove a little bit of flesh, rather than a sewing needle that just pushes it to the side and is horrible to heal), and obviously there's a lot of training that goes into it. I have 18 piercings, all professionally done, and even then you've got to be careful. I did actually try piercing my own ear cartilage when I was a kid and quickly NOPEd away from DIY piercings for good.

